

  1. /v./ ទុកចោល, ទុកមួយឡែក, (កីឡា) ដាក់ឲ្យនៅបម្រុង, បញ្ឈប់តួនាទី
  2. /n./ ការងារបន្ទាប់បន្សំ, (កីឡា) ខ្សែបន្ទាត់ក្នុងតារាងបាល់ទាល់



  1. a line at the side of something.
  2. a business or activity pursued in addition to one’s primary business; a second occupation.
  3. an additional or auxiliary line of goods:
a grocery store with a sideline of household furnishings.

      4. Sports.

a. either of the two lines defining the side boundaries of a field or court.

b. sidelines, the area immediately beyond either sideline, where the substitute players sit.

       5. sidelines, the position or point of view taken by a person who observes an activity or situation but does not directly participate in it.

verb (used with object), side·lined, side·lin·ing.

       6. to render incapable of participation, especially in anything involving vigorous, physical action, as a sport:
An injury to his throwing arm sidelined the quarterback for two weeks.
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